Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hedgewick's Emporium of Katoomba

Mr. Henry Hedgewick is pleased to announce a quality new range of ladies' and gentlemens' millinery, gentlemen's fine attire from Sydney, Melbourne and the Continent, as well as a quantity of Swiss made pocket watches and French ornate mantle clocks.

Unable to get to Sydney's emporiums? Well, 'we have it at Hedgewick's' all day, everyday!

Magpie Mockery
(An ongoing series of snippets overheard on the streets of Katoomba)

The latest fad for our local social milieu is to hear the latest gossip whilst supping cups of coffee with cream and sugar at The Paragon Cafe in Katoomba St. All the rage on the streets of London, Paris and New York, it has now taken off in Katoomba.
The Colonel, ever the man about town and with an ear for the latest craze is in the process of composing another of his 'witty ditties'. He says it will be about both coffee and tea. We at Maggie Mocks will be waiting for the results with bated breath!

Mademoiselle Leobelle's Haute Couture Sanatorium

Find yourself all at sea as to what corset to wear under your evening dress?
Don't know which hat to wear whilst being carried up the Giant Stairway?
Your wardrobe in need of that fresh, healing mountain air?

Then Mlle. Leobelle's is the right choice for the modern Edwardian ladies and gentlemen.
The sanatorium's opening hours are Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 8pm.