My Afternoon with The ProfessorMiss. Abagail Price and I accompanied The Professor, Henry that is, in his motor car to visit Miss. Leonora's garden. It was a fine yet blustery afternoon when we set off. Henry insisted on taking photographs of us by the lake. He does so love to experiment with all types of gadgets and machinery. I find it thrilling. He is such a genius.
When we arrived at Miss. Leonora Godaire's who is my dear friend and employee, I was shocked by the beauty of her garden. I have already informed Daddy that our gardener must immediately plant more flowering shrubs outside my window, provide a waterfall, make a rock cave filled with glow worms and plant more strawberries in our already splendid garden. It would most definitely not be suitable for an employee's garden to be more breathtaking than my own.
However, the tranquil setting of tree ferns, forget - me - nots and glorious blooms in shades of pink and purple made me feel quite invigorated. Miss. Leonora's garden was the perfect haven for butterflies and other magnificent specimens. The Professor is one such fine specimen. I had to resist the temptation of netting him though as he is so easily startled. Despite my best attempts that afternoon, I left the garden with an empty net.
The Professor took Miss. Leonora, Miss. Abagail and I on many adventurous walks. He is so daring. He was always on hand though to hold my parasol and help me up the uneven rock steps. He is such a gentleman.
It turned out to be a simply enchanting afternoon at Miss. Leonora's garden. I cannot wait until we are together again!
Until then.
Isabel xxxx