On a typical day at Miss. Isabel's abode there is often pre-breakfast snacks, breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, after-dinner snacks, supper and then pre-bedtime cocoa. As Cook doesn't always make rather the most perfect meal every time due to an unfortunate addiction to the local ale and absinthe establishments, Miss. Isabel 'employs' friends and acquaintances as taste-testers from time to time.
Accidentally recorded here by myself, the Colonel, Dr. Yorrick can be seen to have submitted to one of Miss. Isabel's 'requests' regarding her morning tea. It was discovered later that Miss. Leonora, normally the person closest in her immediate vicinity to be seconded to the task of taste-testing, was feeling a little 'under the weather' and somewhat preoccupied with the latest Parisian fashion catalogues fresh from the Continent, to be able to fulfil the role.
Dr. Yorrick took to the task so
enthusiastically that Miss. Isabel is considering him for 'permanent staff' if Daddy can afford him.
Suffice it to say, Miss. Isabel enjoyed her morning tea victuals even though there was very little left after Yorrick's extensive taste-testing.
As to my good self, I unfortunately had to be content with a glass of refreshing mountain water.
Afterword: The Colonel can not be held responsible for any rude or inflammatory comments found within the preceding text.