Thursday, June 18, 2009

Play It Lola, Upon Your Pianola!

Oft times, the company gathers at one of their elegant abodes to sing along to many an old-time music hall tune. Stimulated by these get-togethers, the Colonel has been inspired to write a small ditty in celebration of the company's many faceted character. Most imaginatively, he chose to entitle it 'The Katoomba Amusements Company Song'. And here it is for you all to sing along to.

(Song moved to

Now, wasn't that jolly invigorating?!! Almost as good as a cross country run, wouldn't you say?
Well, now that we've 'struck the first chord' as it were, we'll be adding more songs for you to sing along to around your home pianolas.
Next week, it's: "Let's All Go Down The Strand!!"