Col. Farquhear: Oh dear, is that those dashed jungle drums again causing this vibration, or is it a mini-earthquake??!!
Mr. Hedgewick: It may be just your malaria tremens, Colonel. Try some of this tonic water, it has quinine in it, meant to be good for that sort of thing! And you may as well add a spot of gin while you're at it. None of that tepid English stuff, of course, but proper strong genever from the Netherlands. Puts hair on parts you may not want hair, they say!!
Colonel (warily): Sounds jolly good, Henry dear fellow, but I may just stick to my spring water, I think.
Miss. Isabel V. Franklin: May I try some, dearest Henry, as Daddy is paying??
Henry (surprisedly): But aren't you concerned about the, er...repugnant hair growth Miss. Isabel??!!
Miss. Isabel: Well no, Henry dear, I never allow extraneous hair on my person. Any hair I have will only grow exactly where I tell it to! Isn't that what you do, Henry,...Colonel...??!!
(pregnant pause)

Colonel: Ahh!....Hmm...!! Well, actually everything seems to have been returned to normal now, so I don't think any medicinal remedies will be necessary, thank you, anyway (ahem).
Henry: Certainly, Colonel, I quite understand and I think Miss. Isabel does as well. We'll stick to our spa waters then shall we?
Miss. Isabel (disappointedly): Oh! Not even a little nip then??
Henry: Well, we mustn't spend Daddy's money unwisely, should we, Miss. Isabel?
Colonel (distractedly): Hmmm!..still, it is rather odd that everything seems to be on a slant now, or is it just me??!! I feel like I'm sliding off my chair here!
Miss. Isabel: Goodness, Colonel dear, are you sure you weren't indulging in Daddy's whisky when you dropped by for a tete-a-tete this afternoon?
Colonel: No, I just asked for some barley water and...ohh! don't think!...well, what a naughty old fellow your father is, Miss. Isabel!! Dashed old rapscallion like me, what??!!